Providing High-Speed data service over coax?

The BT Line of Cable Modem Termination Systems (CMTS) provides data services over a two-way coax cable network.

Blonder Tongue Laboratories’ CMTS Edge Max supports both DOCSIS 3.1 and 3.0 with 32 downstream SCQAM and 12 upstream ATDMA channels for DOCSIS 3.0 services. In addition, it provides up to 6 OFDM downstream and 2 OFDMA upstream channels for DOCSIS 3.1 services. The CMTS Edge Max will operate in "Mixed-Mode" when both DOCSIS 3.0 and DOCSIS 3.1 modems are connected to the network.  A single MAC domain supports up to 2 upstream service groups with physical port isolation for ATDMA and OFDMA channels. This improves upstream noise isolation in the return path, while all downstream channels are associated to both service groups in the MAC domain.

CMTS Edge 32 is both DOCSIS 3.0 and EuroDOCSIS 3.0 compatible by offering 32 SCQAM downstream and 8 ATDMA upstream channels on a single MAC domain.  CMTS Edge 32 offers high-bandwidth processing and dynamic load balancing to distribute to overall cable modem traffic across the least-used downstream channels automatically, dynamically optimizing throughput.

CMTS Edge 32+ adds an optional full-spectrum OFDM downstream channel in order to provide a premium tier data rate for DOCSIS 3.1 modems working simultaneously with the 32 DOCSIS 3.0 SCQAM channels for both DOCSIS 3.0 and 3.1 compliant modems. The CMTS Edge 32+ is an upgrade to the CMTS Edge 32 that requires an updated license to enable mixed-mode DOCSIS 3.1/3.0 downstream operation with up to 8 ATDMA upstream channels.  Licenses are field upgradable.

CMTS Edge 16 is a scaled-down version of the CMTS Edge 32 (via licensing) that supports 16 SCQAM downstream and 4 ATDMA upstream channels. This unit is field-upgradable with a new software license to become a CMTS Edge 32 unit to support a 32x8 channel configuration as well as a further upgrade to CMTS Edge 32+ capability.

We have created a one-stop location for all CMTS Literature for your convenience.

For more information, please review our CMTS Support Program document.

View our DOCSIS Product Solution Guide to see what our DOCSIS program can do for you.

Blonder Tongue Laboratories